Thursday, February 28, 2008

Eugene Yao • 1946-2008

on the show two weeks ago i mentioned that Eugene - who i had worked with in Toronto - had passed away on February 12th. He was a community leader and founder of the Urbane Cyclist worker's co-operative.

the following links speak a little about Eugene and his contributions to communities.

Toronto Star - Eugene Yao
Spacing Toronto - Eugene Yao: Chinese Activist
Activist Magazine - Empowerment at Work

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Women/Identified Bike Repair Workshops

as mentioned on pedal driven two weeks ago, here's some information about the upcoming workshop series!

The NSCAD Feminist Collective, in collaboration with Greenscad is holding a four week workshop series on basic bicycle repair and maintenance for women. We are hoping these workshops will be the first steps in fostering a more accessible bike community in Halifax. We are looking for volunteers to help out at workshops, so if you're a woman who works on her own bike and want to help out at one or all of the workshops please leave a comment below. They will be held Saturday March 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd 2-4 pm, Press 2, which is a room in the NSCAD Granville campus on the second floor.

i'm facilitating these workshops, and i've based them on the Wenches with Wrenches program i was involved with as a collective member/instructor in Toronto!

Monday, February 25, 2008

pedal powered

this week on pedal driven I talk to Amilio Aviles, the current Volunteer Coordinator at Maya Pedal in San Andres Itzapa, Guatemala about their bicimaquinas - bike machines! We also discuss Maya Pedal's involvement in the communities they serve and support.

you can find more on maya pedal at:

I also talk to local saturday night heros Burrito Bike!

check out these sites for more info on pedal power as discussed on this week's show:
pedal power
pedal powered washing machine
innovate or die

ps: don't forget about critical mass ride this friday at 6! meet in victoria park at Spring Garden and South Park. After the ride there is a screening of We Are Traffic at the Dalhousie School of Architecture.

Monday, February 18, 2008

gender and bikes part 1

hey pedal pushers,

check out pedal driven this tuedsday the 19th of february at 1pm. this week we're talking about gender and bikes, specifically issues around women and bicycles. We'll talk to Sherri Byer, a mechanic and longtime cyclist from Toronto, ON and to Garity Chapman, a local bike enthusiast who is working to set up women's specific bike workshops here in our very own Halifax.

sherri byer working on her sweet little black s/s

Monday, February 11, 2008


welcome to pedal driven!
we air weekly on CKDU 88.1 FM in halifax, nova scotia.

this week we're focusing on campus bicycle advocacy and organizations. i'll talk a little about the potential for this, what the barriers are, and strategies to improve the connections between campus and community. I talk to SBAD, the Society for Bicycle Advocacy at Dalhousie University, as well as highlighting other successful projects across the country.

tune in next week where we start with a first look on the show at bikes and gender, and talk about upcoming women/women identified specific workshops happening soon in halifax.